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Serial# Registration# Mark Owner Status
87697840 87697838 Your mark Lynn Stanikmas Draft
87697248 87587238 Your mark Jacob Goldstein Completed
87697840 87697839 Your mark Jackie Babos Draft
87697899 87693875 Your mark Li Zhang Draft
87697294 87697387 Your mark Avo Reid Completed
Upcoming Action(s) Due
Serial# Registration# Mark Owner Due Date Status Action
87697840 87697834 Your mark Lynn Stanikmas 12/21/2019 Abandoned File a Petition to Revive
87697248 87697235 Your mark Jacob Goldstein None Completed None
87697899 87697823 Your mark Li Zhang Draft Draft Filing Basis, Additional Information, Confirm and Pay
87697840 87697834 Your mark Lynn Stanikmas 12/21/2019 Abandoned File a Petition to Revive
87697248 87697235 Your mark Jacob Goldstein None Completed None
87697899 87697823 Your mark Li Zhang Draft Draft Filing Basis, Additional Information, Confirm and Pay
87697840 87697834 Your mark Lynn Stanikmas 12/21/2019 Non-final Action Issued Respond to Office Action
87697248 87697235 Your mark Jacob Goldstein None Completed None
87697899 87697823 Your mark Li Zhang Draft Draft Filing Basis, Additional Information, Confirm and Pay

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